April 12, 2021

Collection of Resources for Web Developers of Resources for Web Developers

Just my collection of resources

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On this page

Updated on April 29, 2021

  1. Blogger
  2. Books
  3. Code Snippets
  4. Colors
  6. CSS
  7. Figma
  8. Fonts, Icons and Icon Fonts
  9. Free Web Hosting
  10. Git and GitHub
  11. Honorable Mentions
  12. HTML
  13. Images and Vector Illustrations
  14. Image Tools
  15. Interview
  16. JavaScript
  17. Marketing
  18. NodeJS
  19. NuxtJS
  20. Responsive Design
  21. Screen Recording
  22. Search Engine Optimisation
  23. Softwares
  24. Twitter Accounts
  25. UI/UX Design
  26. VS Code
  27. VueJS

I have a constant fear that I'll forget what I know, so this list is equally important to both of us in near future. Which means I am not just sharing this to you, but also sharing this to me.


  1. Compromath: Create and Design Blogger Template
  2. FreshTechTips: Create Custom Blogger Template
  3. Webium Blogger Template


  1. EBook Foundation: Free Programming Books
  2. PDF Drive

Code Snippets

  1. Carbon: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
  2. Ray.so
  3. GitHub1s: One second to read GitHub code with VS Code


  1. Coolors
  2. Colorsinspo: All in one resource for finding everything about colors
  3. UI Gradients
  4. Cool Backgrounds


  1. Facebook Comments Plugin


  1. Loading.io: Loading Icons and Animation Generator
  2. CSS Box Shadow Examples
  3. CSS Layout
  4. CSS Patterns Gallery by Lea Verou
  5. CSS Scroll Shadows
  6. CSS Grid Cheat Sheet
  7. CSS Reference


  1. 7 Super-Handy Figma Tips

Fonts, Icons and Icon Fonts

  1. Google Fonts
  2. IcoMoon: Browse and manage vector icons
  3. IcoMoon Chrome Extension

Free Web Hosting

  1. Netlify
  2. 000webhost
  3. Firebase Hosting
  4. GitHub Pages
  5. Vercel
  6. Render

Git and GitHub

  1. Mastering Issues on GitHub Guides
  2. Complete list of GitHub Markdown Emojis
  3. Git Sheet

Honorable Mentions

  1. UnDesign: Collection of free design tools and resources
  2. Samina
  3. Netlify Resources and Tips
  4. Getfrontend.tips
  5. Dev Challenges
  6. 40 Free Forever Tools for Developers


  1. HTML Best Practices
  2. HTML Cheat Sheet
  3. HTML Dog
  4. HTML Reference

Images and Vector Illustrations

  1. Error404.fun
  2. OpenPeeps: Hand drawn illustration library
  3. Avataaars: Mix & Match Avatars with a Sketch library

Image Tools

  1. Squoosh: Compress and compare images in browser


  1. Interview Questions Part 1
  2. Interview Questions Part 2
  3. Interview Questions Part 3


  1. JS Console: Command line interface in your browser
  2. JS Books: Revolunet
  3. UnderscoreJS: JavaScript library that provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers without extending any built-in objects
  4. JS Tips
  5. Java5cript: Free JavaScript Resources


  1. Harry's Marketing Examples
  2. Marketing Examples: Quick Tips


  1. NP Kill


  1. NuxtJS Modules
  2. 20 NuxtJS Modules with Tips
  3. Adding Pagination to NuxtJS Blog

Responsive Design

  1. Responsively App

Screen Recording

  1. Screenity: Screen recorder for Chrome. Capture, annotate, edit, and more

Search Engine Optimisation

  1. Top Free SEO Tools


  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Git
  3. NodeJS
  4. Figma

Twitter Accounts

  1. freeCodeCamp
  2. Harry's Marketing Examples

UI/UX Design

  1. UpLabs: Unlimited UI Kits
  2. IsoFlat: Isometric and Flat graphic resources

VS Code

  1. Optimise VS Code Performance
  2. You don't need that VS Code Extension Article
  3. Visual Studio Code Tips and Tricks
  4. Emmet in VS Code


  1. VueDX Chrome Extension

That's it for now, I will keep this updated twice a week. If you want to suggest something, let me know on Twitter.

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